Welcome to Curtis Stout’s Campus Safety Division, where your safety and well-being are at the core of our mission. We are steadfastly committed to cultivating a secure and inclusive environment that empowers every member of our campus community to flourish. As the guardians of your peace of mind, we tirelessly strive to deliver a safe and nurturing campus experience.

Our Campus Safety Solutions:

Ballistic Glass Film

Ensuring the security of our campus facilities is paramount. Our state-of-the-art ballistic glass film reinforces windows and glass doors, providing an additional layer of protection against unforeseen threats. Your safety is our top priority, and this innovative solution is designed to keep you shielded.

Door Barricade Locking System

We understand that quick and effective lockdown procedures are essential during emergencies. Our door barricade locking system offers a straightforward yet robust way to secure classrooms and buildings, giving you confidence in your ability to respond to unexpected situations.

Gun Detection

In our unwavering commitment to safety, we’ve implemented advanced gun detection technology across our campus. This proactive system alerts our AI and 24/7 watched security solution to any potential firearm threats, allowing for swift and appropriate action to protect our campus community.

Multisensor/Vape Detector

Maintaining a healthy and safe environment includes addressing emerging challenges. Our multisensor and vape detection system not only monitors air quality but also identifies vaping incidents, promoting a healthier campus atmosphere.

Emergency Response System

Rapid response is critical in any emergency. Our emergency response system is designed to streamline communication and coordination, ensuring that help is just a button press away. We’re dedicated to providing you with the support you need, precisely when you need it.

Your safety is non-negotiable, and our Campus Safety Division is here to uphold that commitment. We work in close partnership with campus authorities, faculty, staff, and students to create a campus environment that fosters security, trust, and peace of mind.

Together, we strive to ensure that our campus remains a sanctuary for learning, growth, and community. Curtis Stout’s Campus Safety Division is your steadfast protector, committed to your well-being every step of the way.


All the locations that offer Campus Safety services.